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Membership in the Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police  is open to multiple levels, including full-time commanding officers of local law enforcement agencies, duly sworn law enforcement officers, and endorsed supporters of local law enforcement. Memberships are annual.  *All new members must complete a Membership Application

Membership Application


Active Member

The highest full-time commanding officer of any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency such as Commissioner, Administrator, Director, Chief, Resident Agent, or the like, having actual responsibility of any legally constituted police agency in Palm Beach County.  


Associate Member 

Any person not eligible for active membership, but qualified by training and experience in police or other law enforcement activity, shall be eligible for associate membership in the Association. Associate members shall have all the privileges of active membership, except that of holding office and voting. Each application for associate membership shall be endorsed by an active member in good standing and he/she shall certify that he/she is personally acquainted with the applicant, and the applicant is eligible for associate membership, and that he/she nominates him/her thereof.


Honorary Member 

To be a Honorary member, the applicant must be a person in good standing within their community, who has shown a strong desire to further the aims of quality law enforcement. The Honorary members of the Palm Beach County Chiefs of Police Association, Inc. shall be such members, as the active membership may designate, who do not meet the qualifications for other membership, but may contribute to the betterment of the Association. Such member shall

be required to pay dues. Honorary members may attend and participate in meetings, but shall have no voting privileges.


Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police

PO Box 1316

West Palm Beach Florida 33402

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